G2’s Safety and Risk Departments Keeping Safety First
With two-thirds of 2023 already in the books, G2 continues to strive for a safe work environment. Safety will always remain our top priority and a successful risk program helps us to achieve this goal. G2’s Safety and Risk Departments work hand in hand daily to manage our stations risk and exposure. As we experience every day, the airport environment is busy and filled with risks of various forms.
After spending 30 years as a claims adjuster and risk analyst, I am proud to serve as the Risk Manager for our company. My team and I work to identify, assess, evaluate, and mitigate the risks we are faced with daily. Our goal is to provide our people with the safest work environment possible.
G2’s Risk Department serves as a liaison between our employees and our insurance claims adjusters to provide vital knowledge and information needed to properly administer our claims. We work closely with our insurance carriers and brokers by conducting onsite risk assessments, claim reviews and stewardship meetings. This allows G2 to remain up to date on the best programs, policies, and procedures available to operate our personal risk management loss profile. For these reasons, we remain one of the leaders in our industry’s insurance benchmarks.
As we march ahead into the remaining one-third of 2023, remember to keep safety first by taking care of yourselves and looking out for each other. Farewell for now from Monica, Liza, and Cheryl, G2’s very own Risk Whisperers!